Listing 1 Algorithm for a bitmap that has four bits-per-pixel

* This function displays a 4-bit bitmap described by the

* BitmapData structure.

* It has one restriction.

* 1. The bitmap must be an even number of pixels wide.


* left, top is the location of the upper left dot

* of the bitmap on the display.


void imageRender(const BitmapData * imagePtr, int left, int top)



* x and y will track the location we are

* drawing within the bitmap.


unsigned int x,y;


* index tracks our location within the array of bytes

* that represent the image.


long index;


* The value of pixel is the color of the dot


unsigned char pixel;


* Make sure that the bitmap does not go outside of the display.


assert(top + imagePtr->height <= DISPLAY_FULL_HEIGHT);

assert(left + imagePtr->width <= DISPLAY_FULL_WIDTH);

index = 0;

for (y = 0; y < imagePtr->height; y++)



* x will step forward 2 at a time, since each

* byte contains 2 pixels


for (x = 0; x < imagePtr->width; x += 2)



* First extract the color of the next pixel

* from the high order nibble


pixel = imagePtr->raw[index] >> 4;


* Now place a dot, with the color pixel in

* the next location on the display


drawDot(x + left, y + top, pixel);


* Next extract the color from the second pixel

* from the low order nibble


pixel = imagePtr->raw[index] & (0x0F);

drawDot(x+1 + left, y + top, pixel);


index increases once for every two dots drawn,

since we have two dots-per-pixel.





